
Types of Leaves Offered by Companies in India

All organizations have a leave policy to let employees know their leave entitlement. This is generally exclusive of the declared leaves (national holidays & festival holidays), which are also shared with the employees. Every employee, new or old, is…

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Performance Review vs Performance Appraisal 

You are here reading this blog and might wonder if there is a difference between the terms ‘performance review’ and ‘performance appraisal.’ Well, there is. These terms are often interchangeably used by the people in the management due to…

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Project Management vs Time Management

Project Management vs Time Management 

Project management, as the name suggests, is to manage all the tasks and projects within an organization, streamline work and reach the organizational goals in a stipulated period.  It entails the following steps:  Creating a project plan – This…

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HR Best Practices for SMEs and Start-ups 

It is important to understand as a start-up, it is critical to have like-minded people join you and give their valuable contribution towards growth and targets. However, if the HR side of the story is not properly thought out,…

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5 HR functions that can be automated

Effective handling of human resource management makes a significant difference in the employee’s productivity in an organization. HR team plays a vital role in the journey of an employee in an organization, right from hiring and onboarding to routine…

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HRMS and its Organizational Benefits

What is HRMS?  Human Resource Management System (HRMS) is an information technology-based software tool that enables an organization to perform all HR tasks. The idea of HRMS is to automate repetitive tasks, thereby increasing the organization’s productivity. That’s why…

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