Travel & Expense Lite Version
In this, an employee can request for simple advance like local conveyance, business trip, annual vacation etc with generic/basic information. The finance department/ASS user can then approve and disburse the advance in single or multiple amounts. This can be also processed through payroll or offline system where the user can post JV into SAP. It also gives the flexibility for the advances, reimbursements and refunds in multiple currencies. This is suitable for the top-level employees and is less time-consuming with minimal details required in a single form related to travel and expense.
Travel & Expense Enterprise Version:
Define simple to complex policies local conveyance, business trip, annual vacation etc. The request can either be made by the employee or the manager (on behalf of the employee) based on which request will be routed to the concerned admin/finance department for approval. The request can be accepted/rejected and the advance like the lite version can be made in single or multiple payments and currencies. Plan your travel and notify to travel desk for advance bookings of Travel Tickets and Accommodation. It allows to set daily allowances and set limits for the same basis location. This module collects a detail information on travel and expense and the HR can create user defined fields as per company requirements.
Advances and Claims
This facility helps the employees to file their requests on time and notifies the approving authorities of any pending requests. Request advances and claims will be as per pre-defined expense policies in the enterprise version.
Reimbursements in Multiple Currencies:
This feature is helpful in handling the currency conversion as the calculations are automated thereby minimizing error and is inculcated in both lite and enterprise version. The employees will be able to enjoy the benefit to reimburse their claims in multiple currencies in a single request.