Define Your own Loan Policies
Develop and implement customized loan policies based on the employee’s employment tenure, salary, and status in the hierarchy.
Create Loan Types:
Create multiple loan types based on the employee needs like home loan, auto loan, education loan, personal loans, and more and meet the advances needs of your employees.

Annual Leave Advance
This feature is applicable only to our Middle East Asian (MEA) countries to process their employees’ leave advances and track the settlements.
Loan Management
Track and administer the loans and monthly instalments management right from the loan disbursement to the recovery of the EMIs. Adjust EMI deductions for a month or two with a single click. This feature also enables you to foreclose, upgrade or convert loan in easy steps.

Configure Interest Rates
- Modify the interest rates and let Enspire HR do all the calculations for you. Now change interest rates at any time during the loan tenure.
Download Loan Statement
Keep a record of loans by quickly downloading monthly statements at your convenience.

Report & Analytics
Visualise user-friendly dashboards and create insightful reports.