6 Take-Aways to Describe Employee-Employer Relationship for Better Productivity 

In addition to adding a new member of staff, hiring a new employee also marks the beginning of a new relationship. Employees and employers naturally form relationships because they frequently collaborate in close quarters. Strong relationships can increase employee happiness and even productivity, so managing these relationships is essential to business success. Keep in mind the dynamics of your employer-employee relationship in order to reap benefits. 

Let’s dig out 6 Take-Aways to Describe Employee-Employer Relationship for Better Productivity: 

Clarity in communication 

In any organisation, it is the communication that makes things work in the right direction. All the concerns, expectations, objectives and reporting happen via communication only. A regular communication channel should be there between employees at all levels for smooth functioning of the business and to prevent misunderstanding. When the employees get clearly communicated on what the expectation is from the management, they tend to perform to the best of their abilities and meet the expectation. It is communication which makes the employees understand their assigned duties and job functions. Thus, meaningful and timely communication ensures productivity and satisfaction amongst employees. 

Respecting one another 

Respect is a key element which ensures that makes the employees feel valued and are not taken for granted that they can or cannot do a particular job. A positive environment is created when people are respected and their words are heard in the organisation. Employees when they know that they have their organisation’s back, they are comfortable to take risks and tend to put in their best effort towards achieving the results. 

Respect has to be equally from both the ends. Employer should respect their employees and vice-versa. This is the way to create an amicable work environment. Respect is an intangible way of motivating the employees to give in their best and opening up a channel for mutual exchange of ideas and open discussions. 

Building Trust 

For any relationship to sustain and go to a much deeper understanding, trust is essential. It is this trust, which makes the employees to take risks, confide in their colleagues and be open to putting forth their ideas on the table. Employers need to trust their employees to give in their best and abide by company policies at all times. Trust builds through being honest with each other and both the employees as well as the employers need to understand this. As is always said that honesty is the best policy which works towards building mutual trust. Trust enables the employers to assign higher responsibilities and high-risk tasks to their employees and in turn the employees also feel that they have been valued and trusted, thus motivating them to give in their best. 

Also read: https://www.enspirehr.com/blogs/what-is-the-difference-between-pre-boarding-and-onboarding/ 

Feedback and recognition 

Every task that is assigned to the employees needs to be evaluated and feedback given so that the employees know what they achieved and where they went wrong. Vice-versa should also be true as it tells the employers about the shortcomings of the project and the necessary course correction needed. The feedback mechanism relays to the good work being recognised and the employees rewarded accordingly. Whenever possible, the employers should take time out to give feedback regularly and constantly be on the lookout for the good work being done by the employees. Recognition always brings out the best in the employees and keeps them motivated to give in their fullest. 

Positive Attitude 

For any task to be undertaken on any relationship to prosper, a positive mindset is a must. An attitude that any task with a proper direction and a sense of goal, is achievable. Similarly, at the workplace, an employer should have a positive attitude towards their employees which gives a sense of direction to the employer. At the same time, the employees feel motivated and appreciated once the employer has a positive attitude towards them. A negative attitude for sure will lead to disharmony and conflict at the workplace which hampers the productivity and high attrition rates. 

Being fair and consistent 

At all times, it is important that the employees are fairly treated by their employers. From the very beginning of a project, the expectations and goals should be set right and each employee should be a given a fair opportunity to participate in the project. At the time of appraisal, being fair and consistent is important as it gives a confidence to the employees that they have been well appraised in comparison to their peers. When this approach is adopted, it builds trust and employees tend to stick to their organisations for a much longer period of time and give their best at all times. Also, there needs to be a consistency in the approach so that employees feel that they are being treated fairly at every level. 


It may not be as simple as it appears to create a connected relationship between employers and employees. But you’ll know that this is the right way to make your business successful the moment you start spending time with them! An organization’s unanticipated uncertainties cannot be avoided, but they can be minimized at certain levels. So, if you want to keep your valuable employees for a long time and bring in talented candidates, you need to start redefining old programs and making new plans for better employee engagement and better relationships between employees and employers.

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