Author page: Enspirehr

Top 6 Points on Workplace Discrimination

Workplace discrimination is an ongoing issue that affects employees across industries and regions. Discrimination can take various forms, including harassment, bullying, exclusion, or unequal pay, based on an employee’s race, gender, age, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. Understanding the…

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Payroll Errors and How to Overcome Them

Payroll is one of the most crucial functions of any organization. It is the process of calculating and distributing employee salaries and benefits accurately and on time. However, payroll errors can occur due to various reasons, leading to financial…

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Role of Education in Human Resource Development

The Human Resource Department plays a critical role in any organization. It is responsible for managing the most valuable resource of an organization, i.e., its people. The organization’s success is largely dependent on the quality of its workforce. Hence,…

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35 – Proof of Investment

Proof of Investment: What should employers and employees know about it?  Come Feb-Mar, most of the organizations ask the employees to furnish their investment proofs of the various financial instruments that they might have invested in the financial year…

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Workplace Collaboration and its Importance

Workplace Collaboration and its Importance    One of the first and foremost reasons for the business to succeed at any level is a collaboration between teams, people, and resources, as one person or team cannot do everything, and each…

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